Tune into the Wisdom of Your Heart with Heart Coherence

Tune into the Wisdom of Your Heart with Heart Coherence

Have you ever had a persistent feeling in your heart, a desire that is so strong you’re compelled to act on it? Did your brain tell you no, don’t do it? Did you listen to your brain or your heart?

Chances are, if you listened to your heart, you found joy and satisfaction in your decision because you knew it was the right one. If you chose to listen to your brain, instead, you may have felt regretful about your decision.

When the heart wants something and the brain says no, the energy is blocked. There is no coherence, and this causes stress. Then the body becomes incoherent and disorganized, and this creates health issues over a period of time.

“Your heart does not answer to your mind; your heart reveals the deepest wishes of your soul. No amount of clever justifications or smart excuses alters your heart’s wish, it just delays the richly fulfilling life you truly seek.” ~ Robert Beno

Coherence is defined as being a situation in which parts of something fit together in a natural, organized, or reasonable way. According to Wikipedia, “two wave sources are perfectly coherent if their frequency and waveform are identical and their phase difference is constant.”

Have you ever felt like you’re “in the zone”? Everything seems to be firing on all cylinders and you’re functioning at optimum level. You are content, your monkey mind has stopped chattering, and at that moment, you wouldn’t want to change a thing.

This is heart coherence, a harmonious state in which the heart, mind, and body are unified in an electromagnetic field. It’s a kind of meditation in which we feel connected to our true self, to other beings, and to the rest of the universe. In this state, the rhythm of our breath and the rhythm of our heart become entrained – synchronized – and are operating at the same frequency. Heart coherence is an efficient use of energy. It promotes coherent thoughts and creativity.

“There is within the human heart a quality of intelligence which has been known to surpass that attributed to the human mind.” ~ Aberjhani

The heart is a powerful electromagnetic generator that communicates with the brain through electrical impulses. Heart coherence tunes into the wisdom of our heart. Our heart always knows before the brain figures it out. This coherence is a field of energy that connects all things. Heart electromagnetic energy connects heart to brain, brain to the rest of the body and to a field of energy that expands beyond our body, forming a human energy field called an aura.

Incoherent energy creates an incoherent field around us, which returns an equally incoherent result. We don’t function well in this state.

How do we create a state of heart coherence? First, close your eyes and combine a clear intention (what do you want?) with an elevated emotion (joy, compassion, abundance). Think of something that brings up an emotion of gratitude. It has to be authentic and sincere. That emotion is an electromagnetic frequency in your body. Every time you think it, you make it stronger and create a positive field of energy around you.

Begin to breathe rhythmically, a natural, steady rhythm. As you do that, everything starts to entrain. Your breath and your heartbeat align to the same rhythm, and the whole body entrains to that rhythm.

This is a beautiful practice to do in your garden every day, or any place in which you can connect with the natural world. Nature offers an abundance of high vibration (positive) energy, so tap into it.

To learn more about heart coherence, visit the HeartMath Institute.

