Rock Garden Meditation

Even in these days of COVID-19, our lives remain busy. We’re used to being busy, so if we don’t have a lot to do, we

Tune into the Wisdom of Your Heart with Heart Coherence

Have you ever had a persistent feeling in your heart, a desire that is so strong you’re compelled to act on it? Did your brain

Plant Meditation

A regular practice of meditation, conscious breathing, qigong, or tai chi can help you develop a rich inner life and connect mind with body and

Cultivate Your Inner Garden

When we free up physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy that no longer serves us, we empower ourselves to create a healthier, happier, and more

Let Go of the Water Buffalo

Before you can breathe in again, you have to release your breath in the exhale. Have you ever thought about that? If you breathe all

How Heavy Is Your Water Bottle?

Do you own a reusable water bottle? When you drink from it, is it very heavy? Probably not. What if you held that water bottle

Rock Garden Meditation

Even in these days of COVID-19, our lives remain busy. We’re used to being busy, so if we don’t have a lot to do, we

Quote of the Day

Garden Quote

“We learn from our gardens to deal with the most urgent question of the time: How much is enough?” ~ Wendell Berry

Quote: Thich Nhat Hanh

“If you truly get in touch with a piece of carrot, you get in touch with the soil, the rain, the sunshine. You get in touch with Mother Earth and eating in such a way, you feel in touch with true life, your roots, and that is meditation. If we chew every morsel of our food in that way we become grateful and when you are grateful, you are happy.”

Ode to the Tomato

It seemed to come from nowhere, This little green node of promise. It wasn’t there the night before, But in the morning – ah, bliss!

Watering the Food Desert

The wealthiest country in the world has a growing food problem. Shamefully, food deserts have negatively impacted millions of low-income families in the United States

Recipe: Vegan Sausage with Chinese Braised Lettuce

I frequently buy locally raised organic produce through a little mom-and-pop delivery service in my area. I only buy one bag of produce at a

Food as Medicine: Everything Old Is New Again

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ~ Hippocrates The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates is traditionally considered to be the father of

Recipe: Garden Fresh Zucchini on Pasta Farfalle

I made this recipe with the first zucchini of the season, freshly picked from my little porch garden. You don’t have to have a big

Mind Your Peas and Carrots

Are you an emotional eater? Do you eat to escape your problems? Do you wolf down your food, because you think you don’t have the

Be an Action Hero

When you think about action heroes, what comes to mind? Batman? Superman? Superwoman? Spiderman? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a hero as a “mythological or legendary

Create a Thriving Community with Habitat Gardens

If you have a little plot of land around your home, or a patio or a porch, you can make it a habitat for your

prAna Invites Brands to Responsible Packaging Movement

We’re a throwaway society. We throw everything away, from clothing, to food, to cars, and everything in between. One of the worst throwaway issues is

Preserving and Regrowing Our Lungs

Rainforests cover only about 7% of the planet’s landmass, so why are they important? Rainforests are the planet’s workhorses, essential in producing rainfall for the

Watering the Food Desert

The wealthiest country in the world has a growing food problem. Shamefully, food deserts have negatively impacted millions of low-income families in the United States

The Powerful Practice of Zero Waste Gardening

The future of life on our planet depends on the actions of each individual. If you haven’t yet adopted a zero-waste lifestyle, today’s a great

Shop at Bootstrap Farmer: Greenhouse Kits, Grow Bags, Microgreen & Seed Trays, Shade Cloth & More

Woke Gardener

What is woke? Is it like being in The Matrix? Do you swallow a blue pill or a red pill and either remain ignorant or suddenly understand the truth? Kind of. But we can learn how to tap into our truth without the pills.

Woke is the sudden knowledge of the physical and metaphysical world and how it applies to the truth about yourself and the universe – a mindful awareness of what is. It’s about connecting to universal truths, your true purpose, your inner wisdom, and the divine power within you.

Getting woke in the garden is especially sweet. We can tend to plants and nurture them as we nurture ourselves. Gardening brings us into the present moment where we actually live our lives. Life only takes place in the present moment, not yesterday or tomorrow.

Meditation in the garden, whether tending to plants, sitting in silence, practicing yoga or qigong, or engaging in a mindful breathing practice is an exercise in self-discovery. It opens the door to your superpowers – becoming woke. In other words, you are awake to what is in and around you in this very moment through non-judgmental awareness and connection to self. You realize in this moment that you are alive and not alone. You are connected to the divine universe.
