Community Gardens

Growing food to share with community, particularly for those who live in “food deserts,” is the top priority of community gardening. This growing movement is part of a new sharing economy to ensure food security for all.

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These inner-city gardens make it possible for many people to enjoy the power and pleasure of growing their own food. They provide clean, vital nutrition for individuals and families who live in the neighborhood and foster a strong sense of family and community, lessening the impact on those who tend to be isolated socially.

The value of community gardening goes beyond the community to benefit society as a whole, promoting the idea of sharing, caring, and abundance for all who are in need. Benefits include beautifying cities, providing oxygen exchange with the plants, purifying the air, promoting a healthy lifestyle, increasing nutritive value from fresh produce, making meals more affordable, fostering a sense of empathy, building a stronger community, and providing educational opportunities.

Chelsea Green Publishing – the leading publisher of sustainable living books since 1985.

