When was the last time you walked barefoot on the earth – on the beach, in a forest, through a field, or in your garden? Do you recall how you felt, not just while you were doing it, but afterwards? Maybe you noticed that your headache was gone, or you felt a sense of peace.
Connecting to the earth is vital for optimal health. If you’re feeling stressed out or low on energy, make direct contact with the earth – your hands, feet, body. It should help you feel better very quickly.
According to a UN estimate, 68% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050. Much of the human species has become disconnected from the natural world. Our modern lifestyle has separated us from the very foundation that keeps us healthy.
We’ve lost touch with the earth’s natural electrical force, because our shoes, which have rubber or plastic soles, and most of the surfaces we walk on, such as carpeting and wood, do not conduct electricity. When we’re disconnected from the earth, our health suffers. We feel fatigued and unbalanced. It’s like we’ve lost our electrical charge – our batteries have run down.
Actually, we have lost our charge. Did you know that we’re electrical beings? We’re not a solid mass. We’re made of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. In order to be healthy, we need to vibrate at certain frequencies to keep our tissues operating in harmony with each other, like the strings of a guitar. When we’re feeling run down, we need to charge back up.
How do you do that?
One of the simplest and most effective ways is through earthing, also known as grounding. The practice of earthing is gaining popularity around the developed world. Simply put, earthing is making direct contact with the earth. It’s putting your bare skin on the earth, whether it’s your feet, your hands, or your entire body. It restores that vital electrical connection with the earth that we need to maintain our health and wellbeing.
“When I am grounded I am resetting my entire biological clock so that it is in harmony with universal, cosmic rhythms and that is the basis of healing.” − Deepak Chopra, M.D.
The human body is primarily electrical in nature. The heart is an electromagnetic generator that communicates with the brain through electrical impulses, neurotransmitters, which regulate body functions.
The earth has a natural negative electrical charge that emits electrons. These electrons nourish all animals and plants on our planet. When we make direct contact with the earth with our bare feet, hands, or body, we receive this negative electrical charge that counters or balances the positive charge we build up in our typical modern lifestyle. Earthing will make us feel better almost immediately, because our skin acts like a conductor and absorbs electrons like a sponge.
The negative charge from earthing has powerful healing properties. Here’s a laundry list of benefits:
- Reduces stress
- Reduces or eliminates pain and inflammation
- Better sleep
- Gets rid of fatigue to give you more energy
- Increases production of melatonin
- Restores balance
- Regulates cortisol secretion
- Improves mood
- Reduces blood viscosity and regulates blood flow
- Regulates glucose
- Prevents osteoporosis
- Grounds the body’s bioelectrical circuits
- Increases metabolism
- Can reset your circadian rhythms when you have jet lag
- Enhances thyroid function
- Helps muscles recover after strenuous exercise
- Speeds wound healing
- Can lower blood pressure
- Improves immune system response
- Normalizes muscle tension
- Reduces PMS and hot flashes
- Is thought to shield from low frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
- Anti-aging effects
- Relieves chronic conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis
So, how do you earth?
Go barefoot for at least 30 minutes. You can sit with your feet in the soil or sand. You can walk or run. Wade in the ocean or a lake. Bare feet, bare hands, or any bare skin on soil, grass, sand, rocks, and gravel will work. Concrete is also conductive, so you can stand on a sidewalk, if it’s not too hot. Plastic, wood, and asphalt will not work, since they don’t conduct electricity.
This is a great practice to do every day, but if that doesn’t fit into your schedule, do it as often as you can. Your body will tell you what you need. On second thought, maybe you should schedule the time. Put it on your busy calendar. Your health is most important.