Water the Good Seeds

Water the Good Seeds

Did we ever really separate ourselves from nature, from Mother Earth? We humans may think we’re above the natural world, isolated in our ivory towers, that we’re not part of the community of animals and plants, that we’re not part of the community of living creatures on planet Earth. We may fool ourselves into believing that the Earth is here for our exclusive use, to do anything to Mother Gaia that we wish, without repercussion. It’s time for us to open our eyes.

We have exploited nature to gain power and profit. We have laid waste to Mother Earth’s precious gifts and horded them for the privileged few. We have destroyed all that was sacred, thinking that we are isolated individuals, that our actions have no impact, that Mother Earth is expendable and limitless.

Oh, but payback is a bitch. Mother Earth is now fighting back to rid herself of the parasites we call humans.

We think it’s our right to control everything on this planet. In reality, we cannot control the natural world, and we know it. Deep down inside, we fear nature and have tried for eons to control the Earth to keep ourselves safe from Her. Rather than aligning ourselves to nature, we’ve tried to separate ourselves as though removing a limb from our very body or cutting out our heart.

“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” ~ Chief Seattle

If we knew that we were part of the Earth, could we have destroyed the very life-giving gifts that Gaia has provided for us? We’re just beginning to realize that the damage we have done to the Earth we’ve actually done to ourselves, because we are the Earth.

We are children of the Earth. We are nature. We are the Earth. We’re not separate from Her. To be in balance and one with Mother Earth – Mother Gaia – we must return to our roots and connect deeply with Her. All things must grow from our roots, from the seeds that we plant.

By going back to our roots, we begin to understand at a deep level a sense of interconnectedness. We begin to remember from that place deep within us that we are part of everything, and everything is part of us. We’re made of the Earth and of the Stars. We are one with them. We are soil and stardust, love and light. We are meant to be the guardians of the Earth and to treat her with reverence and respect, as we treat ourselves with reverence and respect.

“Our consciousness should behave like the soil, the earth… According to the Buddha we have seeds of understanding, of awakening, of compassion, within ourselves. We don’t need these seeds to be transmitted from the teacher. We already have all of them in the depth of our consciousness.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

The seeds that the Creator planted in us, when we were born here on this planet as souls having a human experience, are still there. If you take time in silence and turn inward, you will begin to remember this. You’ll remember that deep in the soil of our consciousness, we have everything we need to nurture ourselves and all living beings.

These are the good seeds that you must water so that you may follow the path given to you when you became human. These are the good seeds: kindness; compassion; generosity; understanding; joy; love; and peace. When you’re in your garden, water these seeds so they may sprout and grow. Share your seeds with others and help them grow their gardens. Spread your seeds on fertile and barren soil alike, so that all may experience inner peace.

The universe is in the process of evolving and so are we. Water your divine seeds, so that we all may evolve into our highest, best selves. What we do to the Earth, we do to ourselves.

